Ý nghĩa của calendula flower soap, ý nghĩa của calendula trong tiếng anh


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Calendula is a flowering plant also known as marigold, which is used medicinally, can be served as a tea or used as an ingredient in various herbal recipes. While tea is made by steeping the flowers in boiling water, the extract is derived from both the flowers and leaves.
Calendula flowers are commonly used for wounds, rashes, infections, inflammation, & many other conditions. However, there is no strong evidence to support the use of calendars for these uses. bởi not confuse calendula with ornamental marigolds of the genus Tagets, often grown in vegetable gardens. It is thought that the chemicals in calendula help new tissue grow in the wound và reduce swelling in the mouth và throat.

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Antioxidants are beneficial compounds that help neutralize the harmful effects of oxidative ức chế in your body. Calendula extract possesses several potent antioxidants, including triterpenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, & carotenoids. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory compounds, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). Although inflammation is a normal bodily response, chronic inflammation is associated with many conditions, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, & type 2 diabetes. MSG is a common flavor enhancer that can cause headaches, dizziness, and numbness in sensitive individuals or when consumed in high doses.
Calendula extract found in oils, ointments, and tinctures can be used topically lớn treat wounds and ulcers. However, it is not confirmed that drinking tea has any effect or not. Test-tube and animal studies indicate that calendula extract can regulate the expression of several proteins that promote wound healing. One test-tube study determined that calendula extract increased the amount of collagen in wounds as they healed. This protein is needed to size new skin. In a 12-week study in 57 people, 72% of those treated with calendula extract experienced complete healing of leg vein ulcers, compared with 32% in the control group. Similarly, in a 30-week study in 41 adults with diabetes-related foot ulcers, 78% of participants completed wound closure after daily treatment with calendula spray.
Calendula"s antioxidant content may provide anti-tumor effects. Test-tube studies suggest that the flavonoid antioxidants and triterpene calendula can fight leukemia, melanoma, colon & pancreatic cancer cells. Research indicates that the extract activates proteins that kill cancer cells while blocking other proteins that can interfere with cell death. Calendula tea or other calendula products should never be used as a cancer treatment. Applying calendula ointment to the skin can reduce radiculitis in people receiving radiation therapy for breast cancer. However, other early research shows that using calendula cream is no different than petroleum jelly for reducing radiculitis.
Calendula extract is known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Notably, in one test-tube study, oil from calendula flowers proved effective against 23 strains of the yeast Candida, a common fungus that can cause mouth, vaginal, và skin infections. Early research shows that applying a vaginal cream containing calendula might improve burning, odor, và pain in women with bacterial vaginosis. Another test-tube study indicates that calendula extract inhibits the growth of leishmania, the parasite that causes leishmaniasis - a disease that can produce skin sores or affect internal organs, like leaves your spleen, liver, and bone marrow. You can apply calendula oil, ointment, cloth compress, or spray directly to lớn your skin — but keep in mind that human studies are needed, so it"s unclear how effective these treatments are.
Calendula can help treat oral conditions, such as gingivitis. Gingivitis, which is characterized by chronic gingivitis, is one of the most common oral diseases. In a 6-month study in 240 people with gingivitis, those given calendula mouthwash had a 46% reduction in their inflammation levels, compared with 35% in the control group. Furthermore, a test-tube study determined that a calendula-based mouthwash reduced the number of microorganisms on suture material used for tooth extraction. Studies attribute these effects lớn calendula"s potent anti-inflammatory & antibacterial properties. Furthermore, calendula tea gargle is said to lớn relieve sore throats - although the evidence is anecdotal.
Calendula extract is widely used in cosmetics, including creams & ointments. Both test-tube & human studies show that calendula extract can increase skin hydration & stimulate its firmness và elasticity, possibly delaying the signs of aging. These effects may be due to lớn its antioxidant content, which can reduce skin damage caused by oxidative stress. Exposure lớn ultraviolet (UV) rays is the leading cause of oxidative bao tay in the skin. Interestingly, one test-tube study determined that calendula oil has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 8.36. As such, sunscreens formulated with calendula oil can protect against sunburn. Finally, a 10-day study in 66 children with diaper rash determined that calendula ointment may act as a safe & effective treatment.
Kem kháng nắng bao gồm chỉ số SPF
Many people claim that calendula has other uses, but some of these are supported by science. Can regulate the menstrual cycle. Calendula is thought khổng lồ induce menstruation and relieve menstrual cramps, although supporting studies are lacking. Can relieve nipple pain during lactation. When applied topically, calendula products can treat cracked nipples while breastfeeding. However, more research is still needed. Can work as a face ink. Calendula is said to reduce acne và breakouts due to lớn its antibacterial properties. However, there is no evidence to support this claim. May promote heart health. Calendula"s anti-inflammatory và antioxidant potential may reduce the risk of heart attack. However, these effects were seen in a single test-tube study using high doses. Can relieve muscle fatigue. One study in rats found that calendula extract reduced exercise-induced muscle soreness. However, the study included extracts from two other plants, making it difficult to lớn determine how calendula works. Calendula may relieve pain in people with anal fissures that have not responded khổng lồ treatment with sitz baths and nifedipine. Use of calendula spray prevents infection and reduces odor in people with long-term foot ulcers caused by diabetes.

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